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Old 10-09-2007, 11:27 AM
chimpanzepoopdic chimpanzepoopdic is offline
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Default Re: stupidest move you\'ve ever made with the opposite sex

Senior year, High School, back of the class I bought an ounce of weed that morning and a friend and I were talking about skipping the last class of the day and burning one. We were overheard by a hottie who inquired if she and one of her friends could join in as her friend had never gotten high and wanted to. I had partied with this chick before and knew that when she was messed up that she liked to dance and take off her clothes. So the plan was set that we would meet at her house because her parents wouldn't be home until 8pm. My buddy and I got to the house and the girls were nowhere to be found. We waited in the driveway behind the house for about 1/2 an hour before we said screw it and lit up a fatty. A as we finished the J the girls pulled into the driveway. I rolled another one and we went into the garage. Her dad had this huge ski boat inside with a few warm beers in the fidge. We got in the boat , myself in the captians seat, turned on some music, and lit the fatty. 5 min later I had the original hottie toppless and we were making out. All of a sudden we hear the front door slam and someone yelling and running through the house. I jump up , look at my buddy and say oh [censored]! Then we both die laughing. It was the girls mom. A nosey neighbor had seen my buddy and I burning one behind the garage and had called her. She finally bursts into the garage, clouds of smoke still billowing. She said she was going to call the police and that she had an eye wittness that we boys had been using drugs on her property. Once again my buddy and I look at each other and die laughing.

Then the girl says I'm so sorry mommy, Anna and I would have never let these guys into the house had we known they used drugs. It will never happen again. I said you lying little red eyed bitch! Thats exactly why you invited us here! Your so high right now you can barely stand! Then the girls mom looked at her daughters eyes and realized that she was high. She dropped her head and said I think it would be best if you boys just leave.

Talk about BUZZ KIll!
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