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Old 10-09-2007, 11:05 AM
Milo Milo is offline
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Default Re: Heroes Bitching Thread, 10/8/2007

HRG = Noah Bennett

Fat Illusion Girl is dead, and Sylar has her powers, but he has The Virus, which is rendering his powers ineffective, much as it did to Molly before the Magical Mohinder Blood Cure.

They seem to be making a more concerted effort to make this a 24 hour "episode," rather than 24 discrete episodes with an defined "story arc." They did this last year, of course, but last years episodes seemed more self-contained, while this year's seem less so (this may be because I started last year in August and watched all within a two-week period, so YMMV). Still, I think a more "episodic" approach would help the show.

Also, as much as I like the Peter and Sylar characters, I agree that they are too powerful, and that killing them off would have made the show better. American television seems unwilling, for the most part, to kill off characters and introduce new ones. Knowing that major characters will live reduces the tension of the show dramatically. I mean, I was happy to see Parkman, because I kinda like that big pussy and hope he will develop some balls..., but he really should be dead.
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