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Old 10-09-2007, 09:43 AM
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Default Re: New Radiohead album - Pay what you think is fair??

Yes I've ordered the boxset too which means I have two dates to look forward to!

But no I can't wait. When I saw them live a couple of times last year I did catch most of the songs but it's gonna be really interesting what has happened to them in the meantime.
I'm a little suprised one of my favorites "Down is the new up" isn't on the "main album" but I think maybe that's a song that can be stronger live anyway.

I've since avoided listening to all the live versions endlessly but other clear favorites were, "Arpeggi" which when it first surfaced was electronic based but then on the tour had become a guitar driven track. Very interesting to see what it is this time.
No matter what it's a beautiful song I think.

Also a clear favorite is Videotape which should be another emotional epic for closer, while another great track like "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" should provide the classic Radiohead intensity.

"Big Ideas/Nude" has been a favorite for about 10 years now and seeing it resurface, albeit quite different (the classic version from 98 ), on the tour and now recorded for the album is exciting to say the least.
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