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Old 10-09-2007, 05:35 AM
canvasbck canvasbck is offline
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Default Re: Live play Tendencies ....

I'm playing live $1/2 brick,mort and want to ask LIVE players what Tendencies they run into. (hand donks play, betting patterns, tells (yeah right) etc etc. Thank you 2p2 for the wisdom. fishcakes for life!!

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I'll break it down into the seperate things you asked for. NOTE, this will be different at higher levels, this is specific for the 1/2 game that you asked about.

Hands donks play: Most of the true donks have a very strict rule about hand selection, they make sure that the dealer actualy gave them two cards. Once a live donk limps, he will call raises "to protect his children"

Betting patterns: On this one, I have to seperate the donks from the skilled LAGs. You will be able to spot the difference pretty quickly. Single pair hands will be WAY overplayed. Limping with marginal hands becomes profitable for a skilled LAG since you will be paid off nicely when you hit. Live 1/2 players will gladly stack off with TPGK even if they are 200-300 blinds deep. Also, live 1/2 plays much bigger than online. The "standard" PFR is $15-$30 instead of the 3-5 BBs you see online.

Tells: The old rule of "weak means strong and strong means weak" will come in handy. Live low limit players will tend to give out a lot of information through table talk. As far as specific physical tells, they are not as reliable as betting patterns but still useful.

Hope this helps, live play has sick variation but is quite profitable. I definantly prefer it over online.
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