Thread: Teh Accountant
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Old 10-08-2007, 10:21 PM
whoisthedrizzle whoisthedrizzle is offline
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Default Re: Teh Accountant

Accountant: i have like intense social anxiety and paranoia
Accountant: that i can do nothing to control
Accountant: its not my fault
Whoisthadrizzle: get medication?
Accountant: yeah idk i tried xana but I couldnt tell if it worked
Whoisthadrizzle: everyone has issues
Accountant: people are [censored] up
Accountant: i was listening to people in religion today
Accountant: talking about what they want in life
Accountant: kids are so juvenile
Accountant: i came up with
Accountant: health wealth happiness knowledge love
Accountant: [censored] idiots all said gthey wanted to get into college
Accountant: as if in the grand sceme of things that [censored] matters one bit
Accountant: and dont tell me knowlege and happiness arent more important than college
Whoisthadrizzle: college is a way to get both knowledge and happiness
Accountant: yah well so are blowjobs but no one woudl say tha and be thought smart!
Accountant: mine is more all-encompassing imo
Accountant: i scored in the 90th percentile on sats for critical readnga nd writing
Accountant: i was accused of plagarism for writing a "college essay"
Accountant: i am better :/
Whoisthadrizzle: u should call case and tell him I say hi
Accountant: i was gonna call him today while i was at whole foods
Accountant: u want his #
Whoisthadrizzle: no why would i want his number
Accountant: so you can call him and say [censored] YOU CASE
Accountant: when u have 99 hu raise he 3 bets 72
Accountant: i call, flop is 7xx he bets i raise
Accountant: he shoves I CALL turn 2 riv 7
Accountant: [censored] YOU CASE GG
Accountant: [censored] YOU
Whoisthadrizzle: yeah he owned u
Accountant: wtf are you talking about
Accountant: i am up millions on him in sklansky $$
Whoisthadrizzle: lol n00b have fun buying a mansion with ur sklansky bucks
Accountant: i am gonna stake a kid at a college near me who is friends w lurker
Accountant: in exchnage for college parties w frosh sloots
Accountant: does this make me a tool
Whoisthadrizzle: yeah kinda
Accountant: yeah [censored] people imo
Accountant: but anyway tool who pays for parties and sloots and friends > tool w no friends and secks imo
Accountant: imma gonna go dl pr0n imo
Accountant: u think if i drink and find a drunk college sloot I will get the seks
Whoisthadrizzle: possibly
Accountant: imo
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