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Old 10-08-2007, 06:38 PM
mrw8419 mrw8419 is offline
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Default Re: PLO tourney hand final table

Don't know if its too soon for results, but I shoved because the pot was huge and I didn't think he would be calling very often. Unfourtanely he had 2267ds turned a set instacalled my shove river blanked and that was that. I think checking is bad, because he can still has 20%-45% equity but will often fold which is very good due to the large pot size.

I find these tourney's end game very odd to play as there is a ton of FE preflop, but idk what kind of calling ranges, and resteal ranges should be used with these shallow stacks. Basically I'm not sure if I should be more willing to call, raise, or resteal with 5568, kj64, or Axxx. Its especially hard since you can't pokerstove against ranges, and even if you could it seems as if your always getting proper odds, so its not a matter of fact of whether the play is +ev but if its the most +ev for that situation. Anyone with more experience or who has run some numbers please feel free to speak up.
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