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Old 10-08-2007, 06:31 PM
Passaman Passaman is offline
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Default Re: Wife Cheats On Me So I Hide In Her Trunk


Well it just makes you come off as a huge pompous douchebag, tbh.

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After re-reading it, perhaps that is how it came across. Def not my intention.

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honestly i though it was pretty funny

mostly exactly because you come across as a pompous douchebag

which is funny stuff imo

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You see, Keik, imo most people on BBV4L view pastors as a hybrid of Rev. Lovejoy and televangelists. They don't see us as normal people who are authentically passionate about communicating the love of Christ. So, when I'm giving an honest answer, or just posting in a non-important thread (they actually exist on BBV4L), sometimes I, unwisely it turns out, try to throw in a 'joke' that goes against the presupposition people have of my profession. I'm not, or at least don't consider myself so during periods of reflection, pompous nor a d-bag. I'm honestly trying to give good, tried and true advice.

So, if you see something in one of my posts that goes against what you think a pastor should be (i.e. pious and self-righteous, not to mention hypocritical), remember that I'm a normal guy and I like to try to be funny, as well as an iconoclast.

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i believe you are most probably a normal guy with a good heart

you are also the master leveler of all levelers, whether intentionally or not

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Sometimes I level intentionally, but not when it comes to serious business.

Odd that you'd see my posts as unintentional levels...I'm going to have to think about that one.

Is an evangelical pastor reading/posting in BBV itself a level?

Do other posters see my advice as trying to be funny or as a level when I mean it to be serious?

Why would Keikawai see me as a leveler?

More explaining would be helpful.
Is it