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Old 10-08-2007, 04:08 PM
TomCollins TomCollins is offline
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Default Re: Bush\'s 4th veto of his presidency is a good one

i work hard so I can afford good insurance. I work hard so that my children can have good insurance. I do NOT work hard so some random jackoff with no money can have the same level of care as my children. survival of the fittest. Get a job, get your children healthcare. I pay enough in taxes, I don't need to pay more taxes for what is essentially welfare.

[/ QUOTE ]And here's the myth of the Land of Opportunity. An economic system that requires inequality and a certain level of unemployment to keep wages down and profits up. You can work as hard as you like to climb to the top, but you're always going to be displacing someone else who must slide towards the bottom. Globalisation pretends to solve this by establishing the working class and underclass in Asia and Africa and South America, but it's an illusion unless you also tax proportionate to income because the deficit cannot keep on growing indefinitely. The solution has been to sell the US economy to ASEAN; a dangerous short-term approach.

The so-called "democracies" in the West (and none moreso than the US) increasingly demand that people born into poverty go into debt to pay for their own education and healthcare in order to succeed (an illusion; social mobility is lower now than at any other time in modern history), but do not demand a proportionate contribution to these costs from those that were born priveleged and get even richer from the availability of a healthy and educated workforce and a healthy economic infrastructure paid for by taxation.

It's no wonder that so many people have no desire to cooperate with the laws of a society full of individuals who seem happy to engage in sucking people dry in the hope that they might one day become one of those at the top. It's the same reason the Burmese Army is able to supplement it's forces with volunteers, and is not solely reliant on the child soldiers who have grown into brutalised men. Convince people that it is the only way to get ahead, and some will sacrifice all principle and common sense to join the illusionary rat race.

[/ QUOTE ]

Zero Sum Economics FTW! (I think, there was a lot of rambling, so I'm not quite sure that was the message)
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