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Old 10-08-2007, 03:15 PM
Zetack Zetack is offline
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Default Re: Whats The Significance of Double Checking Cards??

I always see pros double check their whole cards on tv, and I was wondering why? I never look back at my cards. I was wondering if they do this to give off a false tell of weakness, or do they really not remember what they have.

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Even the best players in the world sometimes mis-read or misremember their hands.

Here's a quote from Michael Craig's blog about Howard Lederer.

It’s a few minutes after 6 PM and there was just a big pot so I want to get this posted, but I have a note that while they were chatting between hands, several players got into a discussion about misreading or forgetting their hole cards. Lederer mentioned there was one time when he thought he had Q-Q when his actual cards were 8-4.

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Url for the quote, all the way at the bottom of the entry, but note that there is no more detail about the hand

Personally, albeit, I'm not one of the best players in the world, I recheck a very large percentage of my hands, which is a habit I got into a long while ago after I lost a big pot in which I mistakenly though I had two pair, but was off a pip on my kicker. Occaisionally, the extra second or two helps me to see that I actually have a double gutter or something, when I'd thought all I had was a gut-shot.

The classic example for many players, is when the flop is mono-toned, say clubs, and their sitting there remebering their high card is black, but not necessarily whether its a club, so they look back to check...or to give the false tell that that's what they are checking for.
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