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Old 10-08-2007, 01:18 PM
Northern Northern is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 144
Default Re: sooon2b\'s 5x5 + Diet Log

I normally don;t post in this forum so if be kind.

There is nothing wrong with octogonal weights, it only makes it akward when trying to move the bar forward. Besides when you deadlift you should set your grip first and then set your stance so the bar not moving will not be an issue.

What you saw the football player do is a version but not something you should do. Part of the success of the deadlift is deweighting the bar between each rep. Use the full range of motion you will benefit more.

As far as the meals you have to work on it. Instead of jumping into a new meal plan add another meal once a week, then you wont notice. This way it will also help with the added calories.

As far as smoking the pot, your a teenager, you know everyhting right (I thought I did too). A little tip though is that marijuana use increases catabolism so your hard earned gains will be less noticed.

If your interested in a munchie though get some almonds to snack on and if you stomcah it eat some cottage cheese. Both sources of protein and will help with your meal problem.
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