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Old 10-08-2007, 11:11 AM
sweeng8 sweeng8 is offline
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Default Re: I cant help not tilting at 10-100x my regular stakes

I dont think you should give give quite as easy as what others are say.

Its just discipline at it can be learned. Everyone has moments of madness (check my post of donking my whole bankroll away on blackjack) but you can get over it. Read the stories of guys like Mike Matusow and Scotty Nguyen- they talk quite openly about problems they used to have in donking away their bankroll irrationaly, mostly on gambling in casinos. Perhaps it may have to do with the disassociation of money with emotion that is needed to play good poker, or maybe its the nature of the type of people who are attracted to playing poker, but youre not alone. Speaking as a man who currently has no bankroll from betting it all away, im taking a break from the game. I will continue to read and study the game, and when Im less busy in life, I will go back to grinding and I am 100% confident I will make back my losses.

Only you can sort things like this out in your head, but people have done far crazier things than you, gone bust, and managed to bounce back. If your game is good, then keep your confidence, take a break, and go back with a new discipline to the tables.
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