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Old 10-08-2007, 10:56 AM
Bona Bona is offline
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Default Re: etiquette when playing v. known 2+2\'er

I usually greet/acknowledge if I know someone is a poster but if no response or if I think they'd just rather have their space I find a different table. I really enjoy playing with some though when I think they don't mind.

The clumsiest for me is when someone who's screen name I don't recognize greets me other than sup or hola because then I'm not sure if they post here or what's up.

I had one this morning who greeted me something like "take it easy on me Bona this is my first day" I replied "what do you mean", hoping to get some kind of identity swap but instead he turned really rude and pretty soon left the table with an unkind remark. Go figure.
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