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Old 10-08-2007, 09:56 AM
soon2b soon2b is offline
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Default sooon2b\'s 5x5 + Diet Log

I made a post about a month ago about figuring out a workout plan. I have spent the past month trying to get in the routine of doing these exercises, and figuring out what my 5RM is for each workout.

I do have some questions about the deadlifts. At my school's gym, we have octagonal weights, which are pretty retarded. So, wtf do I do as far as deads? I saw a football player load up a barbell from a waist high rack, and do what seemed to be deads, but without letting the weights hit the ground. Are these what I should be doing?

My biggest concern is my diet. I usually dont pay much attention to it, and eat like 3 enormous meals a day instead of small ones... I also smoke pot(dont worry, its not AS bad as you think, I use the volcano) on a daily basis. We dont need to get into an argument about me not smoking anymore. However, any advice on how to handle the muchies, or healthier snacks I could be eating, that would be great. The diet is easily the biggest challenge for me right now.

Right now I am 5"10 ~200 lbs. I would love to get down to <180.

On to the log...
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