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Old 10-07-2007, 04:22 PM
EN09 EN09 is offline
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Default Re: Best book for SSNL?

SSHE is an excellent text for LHE among other LHE books. for NL i picked up No Limit: Theory and Practice and the strategies are easily put into play - after playing the LHE games for ma anyway.

knowing how and what outs to discount, finding hidden outs and just basically being able to count outs including pot and implied odds are a basic thing you should know about and maybe better learned less expensively at micro LHE.

my next purchase will be Professional No Limit, but from the posts i've read it might be a bit too complex for me. i'm no mathematician and stack to pot ratios (SPR's) sound a bit above me for now.

right now, as in the past, solid play and little bluffing are keys to winning at the micro NL tables.

Super System II is also a good read with a lot of gold in it.


EDIT: i do have a copy of HOH vol1 which was recently purchased and have it at work. haven't had time to start it tho but it was also recommended as the poster above states. tnx.
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