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Old 10-07-2007, 01:05 PM
iponnet iponnet is offline
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Default what to look for when someone 4bets your KKs?

ok now I dont know if this is the right forum but here it goes, as I am sure we all have problems with this... you get KKs you 3bet in LP the original raiser 4bets now to which one of these villans you should fold more often:

1. 19/13/3
2. 13/10/7

lets say you image is Tagish and you've been 3beting AK/AA/KK/QQ and once in a while 89s....

I personally think I should fold to villan number 1 more often, because his pfr/vpip numbers suggest he is loose preflop but fairly tight postflop where as villan number 2 seems to play more tight pre flop but very aggressive post flop, now I guess technically they are 4betting you preflop but most of the time if you call you are pot commited so in reality they are playing you postflop...(hope I am making scence here)

so overall I think villan number 2 is more likely to play QQs/AK like this than villan number 1 because of what their numbers suggest of the way they think of the game!

what you guys think about this
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