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Old 10-07-2007, 07:29 AM
Sykes Sykes is offline
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Default Re: Playing the Wow auction house

A quick guide to making gold on WoW's AH:

First, like all things, to make money you must need to spend money. So you need a capital. I would start with ~1k gold (you can do 500 but you will make less).

While it is true that you can no longer send items to a "mule" to DE them, don't worry about it that much. There are plenty of enchanters that are willing to DE your items at a small fee. Also another point is, if you play on a heavily populated server, enchant materials are plentiful and cheap.

The new green items DE into two things: Arcane dust and Planar essence (sometimes lesser planar and sometimes greater planar (3x lesser = 1x greater)). Arcane dust usually sells around 1.5-2g (server may very). The only bad thing about this is that since there is so much arcane dust going around, it might be hard to unload for this price. Greater planar essence usually sell around for 4-5g (again server may very). These are always needed and usually are only found in DE'ed weapons, so there are less of these than arcane dust.

The blues DE into 2 different things based on the level on the blue. 60-64 level blues DE into small prismatic shards and 65-70 level blues DE into large prismatic shards. Again, 3 small prismatic shards = 1 large prismatic shard. These fluctuate wildly in value depending on how many there are on the AH. I have bought SPS for 4g and sold for 7-8g (and with no AH cost to put up, a nice profit). Avg price for SPS is usually 6g. LPS are plentiful since they are what you get whenever you DE a lvl 70 blue, and if you remember running instances with enchanters, they are free to shard them for you. Like SPS, LPS fluctuate in price widly as well depending on how many there are in AH. I have seen swings from 15-25g. This would be your #1 moneymaker in my opinion.

Another thing that sells really well with low auction house fees are primals. There are 6 of these primal. Primal Air, Primal Earth, Primal Fire, Primal Mana, Primal Life, Primal Shadow, and Primal Water. They are made from 10 motes of the primal that drop off mobs.

It's worth noting that Primal Earth is basically worthless to buy/sell since they are plentiful because a miner basically has half a primal whenever he mines a node.

Primal Shadow used to be worth nothing at all, since they dropped off demons, and if you ever leveled to 70, you'd know there a ton of demons in Outland. When I leveled to 70, I got 11 of these things in the process and all I was doing was quests. But times have changed. A few months ago, blizzard implemented a patch saying that mote of shadows will no longer drop off demons. That means they only drop off voidwalkers. So because of this, supply/demand when into stock and a 40silver item became a 15gold item. Also it's worth to note how progressed your server is, because guilds in black temple will need a lot of Primal Shadows because they need to have 25 people with ~300 Shadow resist gear for Mother Shiraz fight and you need a lot of primal shadows for the gear.

Primal life will go for a little less than the other primals since herbalism can get them off mobs/nodes, but since it's used in so many healing enchants it's needed by a lot of healers. These can go anywhere from 8-13g.

Primal water goes for around 15-18g. Needed by warlocks/shadow priests for Frozen Shadowweave gear. Also needed for many enchants.

Primal mana go for around 12-15g. Used in spell damage enchants.

Primal fire go for anywhere from 15-25g, needed in the Spellfire set for mages/destrolocks.

Primal Air will be the most expensive primal. They go from 20-25g (sometimes even 30). The reason is that the mobs they drop from are sparse and heavily farmed.

Primals have an 24silver to put up on AH for 24 hours..
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