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Old 10-07-2007, 12:55 AM
DeadMoneyDad DeadMoneyDad is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 814
Default Re: You\'re making an ass of yourself, sorry

Along these same lines, if you are in a state that allows poker in whatever form to be played, should we make a point of depositing and withdrawing money that is clearly for poker for the purpose of establishing standing? Should we make sure to label the transaction as legal gambling or poker intent?

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But you want to add in a layer of complexity to further show the unworkble nature of the law.

We have no legal cash poker rooms in VA, yes there are poker rooms.

So I've asked, if I tell you I am going to AC to play poker will you still give me the money?

They say yes.

What if I slipped up and told you I was going to play in an illegal poker game being held across the street as it is really soft and I don't have the 5 hours to drive to AC?

(Same deal for a deposit of cash winnings.)

Usually a long pause, followed by, "well it is your money, what you choose to do with it is pretty much your business."

Then you hit them with; "then why the hell are you blocking my attempts to deposit to my favorite poker site when I try to do so using this card you gave me?!?"

The usual answer is, "good question....."

The smart a$$ed answer is "because it is the law."

Depending on your mood you can say, "acually your current blocking policy of my debit card would be allowed even by full implementation the proposed reg. if you had bothered to wait for it or to even have taken the time to read it. You pre-mature action has cost me $$ and I'd like it now!"

If they are nice, "well to be honest when this law is proven unworkable and overturned I am telling you now I will be back for a refund of the extra fees I paid because you blocked a legal transaction. You guy's know all about extra fees right?"

Sometimes I'll even pimp the PPA for added effect.

"Oh by the way I belong to a little group of poker buddies, there are about 800,000 of us as of this morning. If I have any trouble with that refund perhaps a class action law suit might do the trick."

D$D<--told you all this was fun
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