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Old 10-06-2007, 11:59 PM
AragornX151 AragornX151 is offline
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Default Re: Big Pot River Decision


The turn is very close, and I could definitely be convinced. I would certainly 3-bet it in certain circumstances.

Getting 20-1, I can't see calling being anything worse than a small error. Since you said villain is very creative, that at least means there's a CHANCE he's turned some made hand that you beat into a bluff...

As for pre; IMO, the implied odds are really not there. Unless you flop the set, you're gonna have to give it up almost always vs. two opponents, and you're OOP besides. If you must play and have some strong reads, I prefer capping to calling and taking the initiative--at least then you might get hands like JJ and KQ to fold if an A flops, etc.
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