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Old 10-06-2007, 10:14 PM
BarryLyndon BarryLyndon is offline
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Default Re: 24+2: aces gets action on hyper messy board.

actually, I misclicked, I did bet 300 on the flop.

I ask this because it seems like I'm 50/50 at best against this lose player. I know that we are ahead of so many hands, but I am also very much behind a lot of hands, including several made flushes, J10, a set of twos, maybe a set of 10s as well. All hands that RR so large here are basically saying "I'm committed" or "please, come over the top, it's your only move left." This is even from players who aren't thinking like that. See?

The default seems to be shove, but I'm starting to think that there needs to be a more incisive analysis on ALL hands, including those that are "standard" like three spade boards with AA deep against a particularly strong play.

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