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Old 10-06-2007, 02:08 PM
Thanir Thanir is offline
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Default Re: Notebook has died a horrible death, advice on a new one?

Your school should have deals with some computers? Back when I went they had IBM's at a great deal, and same with Macs.

In terms of major companies I usually suggest Dell lappys to my friends. Usually the biggest reason is the Accidental Coverage so if their kid throws it, or they drop a beer on it they can get it replaced. Also if you wait a month or a bit more big coupons of $500+ off will start surfacing for the holidays.

If you are looking for a no name comp, Sager puts out some nice inexpensive lappies, but you are dealing with a small operation if you ever have issues. I bought a gaming comp from them and I loved it.
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