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Old 10-06-2007, 03:47 AM
DeadMoneyDad DeadMoneyDad is offline
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Default Re: 2008 Presidential Primaries

Don't discount Dobson's power to raise money.

[/ QUOTE ]

The pre-full release PR battle is going on.

Ron Paul claims to have raised 5M and did it not spending a dime according to his PR "buzz."

Mit is writing a lot of personal checks.

Thompson claims almost 10M on 80,000 donors, not bad for less than a month of "offical" campainging. We'll have to see how many are capped.

Most of the rest were non-news.

Some 3rd Quarter PR pre-release spin wrap up.

On the Dem side.

Hillary made a another major push to act like the inevitible candidate by announcing $22M raised and a total of about $62M so far, but $10M she transfered from her Senate campaign coffers.

Obama's numbers if nothing else cropps up from the full report are really impressive, IMPO. $75M raised on 350,000 donnors?!? That's an average of $214.00 if my math is correct. In addition $4M for the general already?

"More than 350,000 Americans have already signaled the kind of change they want in Washington by contributing to the Obama campaign," spokesman Bill Burton said. "We have raised a historic $74.9 million in dollars available for primary spending, without transferring one cent from any other campaign fund and with no money from federal lobbyists or PACs."

Now that is a pre-release PR statement!

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