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Old 10-06-2007, 12:20 AM
esad esad is offline
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Default Re: Marion Jones admits steriods use

Conte asserted that he gave two substances containing steroids, a clear liquid and a cream, to Greg Anderson, Bonds’ trainer, but that “There’s never been anything beyond that at any point ever.” (Anderson has pled not guilty to charges in the BALCO case and denies giving illegal substances to Bonds.)

The aptly named Bashir, however, wasn’t satisfied with that, and pressed Conte to speculate: “Do you think that Greg Anderson was providing the clear and the cream to some of these baseball players?” Conte replied, “He could have been. I have no specific knowledge of this. I didn’t say ‘Here’s clear. Go give this to Gary [Sheffield] or Here’s clear, go give this to Barry [Bonds].’”

The intrepid Bashir, refusing to take “no” for an answer, kept going, with questions so leading they would have made Perry Mason proud. Verbal finger wagging away, Bashir asked, “And who is Greg Anderson’s number one client?” Conte replied, somewhat sheepishly, “His number one client is Barry Bonds.” Bashir pressed, “So is it possible that some of the clear and cream that you gave, without any strings attached, that you gave to Greg Anderson may have found its way to Barry Bonds?” A slightly exasperated Conte replied, “It’s possible. I can’t say that it’s not possible.”

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Bonds told a U.S. grand jury that he used undetectable steroids known as "the cream" and "the clear," which he received from personal trainer Greg Anderson during the 2003 season. According to Bonds, the trainer told him the substances were the nutritional supplement flaxseed oil and a pain-relieving balm for the player's arthritis.

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Keep deluding yourself. When Greg Andersen eventually gets out of jail and runs out of money I'm sure we'll see the tell all book. What will your excuse be then?
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