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Old 10-05-2007, 09:18 PM
Low Key Low Key is offline
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Default Etiquette and the girl

Rainonacongadrum's thread reminds me of a situation I'm in. I know this girl. We've been lightly seeing each other lately. My birthday was a few months ago and I invited her over for dinner and a movie. We got tipsy on wine and cuddled a little. Good times.

I tried last week a few times to hang out with her, but I have horrible timing and it just didn't happen. Now, her birthday is almost here. I haven't heard from her. I'm starting to wonder what's up.

Etiquette-wise, as the man, am I supposed to initiate contact regarding her birthday and getting together, or should I wait to see if she tries to contact me? (Obviously, if I hear nothing by the actual day, I'd call her regardless)

My problem is, I hate the idea of feeling like I'm imposing on her. It's her birthday, she's free to do whatever she wants, obviously.

So, aside from taking her to a concert while wearing a tux and bringing a tennis ball, what should I do here?
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