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Old 10-05-2007, 05:20 PM
borgataboy7 borgataboy7 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
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Default Re: interesting

ideally we'd be running a home game, but for the time being we dont have the space. This place is offering a small room of our own (only we can access it) and we'd be running a game basically just composed of my partners friends, family, and poker buddies. We only charge rake to pay for our usage of the room. Most room busts that I hear of are caused by neighbors complaining about noise or someone getting cheated. I find little risk of the first happening as its above a business, and as long as Im dealing theres very little risk of foul-play. A potential robbery would probably yield a few thousand at most, and theyd have to come very well armed to get through the entire billiard hall full of people.
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