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Old 10-05-2007, 03:00 PM
Borodog Borodog is offline
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Default Defending the American Dream Summit

Another too brief iPhone trip report.

Started off inauspiciously. Wife was bitten on the chin by a dog Thursday night. We spent 4 hours in the emergency room. Thanks for the managed healthcare, Ted Kennedy! The question is not whether we get socialized medicine (we've had that starting from 1965 onward), but whether we get even more sovielized medicine. I typoed "socialized" there but I'm keeping it.

I must admit that Giulliani talks a great game. He is the only candidate other than Ron Paul who uses terms like "free market" and "private property". Too bad he's a nationalistic jingoistic empire building authoritarian. Lots of politicians talk a good free market game until they get elected. He'll, you should see the stuff FDR campaigned on. You'd think he was Ron Paul.

Fred was terrible. We're at a conference for essentially free market repubs, and he's jibbering about "security" and "sacrificing for the greater good". Thank you not, Comrade Thompson. He was a total bomb.

John Stossel was amazing as always. Paul-Stossel '08!

Crazy supply-sider and former Reagan economic adviser Laffer was nutty. Sure, he correctly points out how good low taxes and low regulation are, but then says we are in an economic boom caused by those conditions right now! We're in a boom all right, and artificial one created by profligate counterfeiting on the part of the Fed. Supply-siders are such kooks.

Some pictures:

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