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Old 10-05-2007, 02:36 PM
ammbo ammbo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 93
Default Re: WCOOP main event sensation - winner under investigation

It would be so easy to impliment a security feature that doesn't allow the same ip address to enter a MTT. Why isn't it there?

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because there a lot of legit reasons to do that and they certainly dont want to shut out legit customers

also it'd be really easy to work around if you were a cheater

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Yes, I'm aware that most people could navigate around this feature, but that doesn't explain why it's not there. It would be easy to have this as a default setting, and if you have special circumstances, simply contact support and get the block removed. It would also stop the cheaters who have no idea how to route to a new IP address.

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IP addresses are not unique. If you connect through the same router as someone else you will have the same IP address. In fact, everyone who connects to the internet through certain ISPs (especially AOL) all appear to have the same IP. The ISP connects everyone to the web through the same proxy server. IP addresses are a very unreliable way to identify individual users.