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Old 10-05-2007, 01:41 PM
keepitreal keepitreal is offline
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Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

i have never wanted to apply for a reality show since survivor started airing in 2000...but watching the amazing race (all stars) last season for the first time (i sorta lost interest in tv for a while during college) and watching survivor this year for the first time since the first three seasons, i would love to get on this show to figure out how easy it would be.

i realize most people probably think this...and im not saying i would win...but people are so bad at life/playing the game. i'll admit around my friends i can be abrasive/rude...but how these people can't tone down their real selves so as not to cause problems is beyond me. u cant tell me its lack of food cuz i've done sports where u cut ridiculous amounts of weight and its bearable (a little different but u get the point).

in the first 3 episodes some of the only advice you really need has been dropped by some of the players:

james-go to barnes and noble and read up on survival books...this way you can survive/help your team.
leslie (to james)-ask people questions about them. people love talking about themselves...this way you can be liked.

and obviously work hard but not too hard and keep your mouth shut to a degree (although dont get all stubborn in your silence like chicken).

im sure plans change a bit once u get to camp but it seems like people are just full of stupidity and probably didnt even have a plan (yes, some todd, amanda, aaron) but the fact that there are so many people being so dumb is a true testament to the casting people.
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