Thread: Ratholing NL08.
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Old 10-05-2007, 01:25 PM
Truthiness24 Truthiness24 is offline
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Default Re: Ratholing NL08.

Not necessarily.

The short stacking-and-ratholing strategy involves different (some would say less) skills. Basically, you have a predetermined set of hands scripted that you know are generally going to be 55% or better HU and you push every time you see one. You don't mind just picking up the blinds because you know that eventually people are going to get sick of folding and call you with a hand that they shouldn't. Since you are playing with stacks and not chips, the edge is meaningful.

Under some circumstances, you might expand your range. HU you'll use a really wide range. The point is that you don't mind the coin flips and you're really making your money from (1) people who fold to your push and (2) ratholing when you're a stack instead of a stack behind.

Now, this isn't to say that a ratholer couldn't also be good at what we might call a "conventional" game, where you seek to make your money on the later streets. But I think, at least in predator's case, he has discovered a mode of play that works for him better than any other and he is going to ride it until it bucks him. (It seems to be bucking him right now.)
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