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Old 10-05-2007, 11:29 AM
burningyen burningyen is offline
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Default Re: Discuss: Evaluating Internet Poker Tournaments

I think you misunderstand how I did the calculations. I calculated the cost per orbit as a percentage of the starting stack, not as a percentage of a dwindling blinded-off stack. So I didn’t have to worry about calculating how fast the starting stack would blind off. And in order to account for the fact that you will have to pay the blinds 11% more frequently per level at a 9-handed table vs. 10-handed, I adjusted the cost per orbit for the 9-handed sites by multiplying the blinds by 10/9. (It’s been so long since I looked at this stuff that I should go back and make sure I didn’t make a math error by multiplying the blinds+antes rather than just the blinds. You only see the blinds more frequently; you pay the antes every hand. I’m pretty sure I did it correctly.) Of course, all of this depends on the speed of play of each site being the same. I’m surprised at and a little skeptical of the stats on hands/hr (which are really stats). I wonder how the stats were collected.

Re only examining the 1st hour of these structures: back when I started that thread there was some debate about Party, where some pros were saying that even though the Party structure started out bad in the 1st hour, the late game structure was actually slower and superior to other sites’. You can see when comparing the “UB1” and “PT1” structures that the Party structure is worse in the 1st hour but becomes somewhat better towards the end. All the structures have changed since that thread, so I have to go back and re-visit the chart.
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