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Old 10-05-2007, 09:51 AM
Todd Terry Todd Terry is offline
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Default Re: dear lebron james,

I grew up in suburban Cleveland and have rooted for all the teams my whole life. Probably because there's nothing else to do, it seems like everyone in Cleveland is a die-hard fan. I have no doubt that if any adult in Cleveland saw Art Modell walking in a crosswalk, he/she would step on the gas and try to run him over, and if successful, would never be convicted of anything.

The Cavs making the NBA finals was one of the highlights of my life. I can't even describe how unbelievably pissed off I was seeing Lebron wearing a Yankees hat. I can't even think of an appropriate analogy -- Larry Bird wearing a Mets hat to Fenway during the 1986 World Series is the closest I can come up with, but even that is not nearly as bad, since Larry did not grow up an hour away from Boston, as Lebron grew up an hour away from Cleveland. What a complete scumbag. I mean, even if for some reason he is a Yankees fan, at least have the courtesy to the hundreds of thousands of local fans who worship him to keep it to himself, not rub it in their faces, and for crying out loud don't give an interview about it on national TV.
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