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Old 10-05-2007, 09:18 AM
Khabbi Khabbi is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 526
Default Re: Home Game - Argument gets started

Do you remember what the board was? Do you remember what your cards were? Do you remember what her cards were?
Do you honestly think you won? It was down to heads-up with you and a newbie; were you the only two paying attention? Did others witness the hand?

This is a home game. Yes, there are rules that as soon as the pot is awarded the hand is dead, but these hard-lines get blurred in home games quite often. If you didn't honestly win the hand, just man up and pay the buy-in next time. The fact that you are even asking this question leads me to believe that you might know the hand was mis-read.

If you truly can't remember the hand (I'd find that hard to believe). If there were other witnesses, what do they remember? Since this is a group of close friends you should be able to easily find out what the others think of the hand at the next game.

What are the stakes we are talking here? How big do you play with close friends that have never played before?

The more I read of your post, the more questions I have. It seems to have a lot holes (maybe just your writing style) but without these answers, I'm getting the feeling that the things you aren't telling us are going to reveal the truth here.
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