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Old 10-05-2007, 05:14 AM
Low Key Low Key is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 548
Default Re: 19 percent of democrats think the world would be better off.....

No, but if you really do take fox news seriously, especially regarding what Democrats think, you're completely out of your mind.

This isn't an "I don't like them" sort of thing. It's that they're intellectually dishonest, have an agenda, and make no qualms about being completely in your face about said agenda.

The outcome of this poll was as preconceived as the finding that there were WMDs in Iraq. If you believed it was true, you were gullible and should have been laughed at. As a matter of fact, I did laugh at anyone who thought Iraq had WMDs when Bush was tightening the skins on his war drums.

Let me summarize - Oh my god, you could not be any more gullible. ...Well, unless the study was done by the Heritage Foundation.
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