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Old 10-05-2007, 04:54 AM
kyleb kyleb is offline
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Default Re: Any other college grads with no desire to settle for corp. America

I dropped out from an unknown private college because I couldn't stand the thought of paying people to tell me what to do; in fact, this is exactly what I was doing at college. Getting paid by people who told me what to do was an upgrade, but I always knew I'd be working for myself one day.

The people you talk about being bright young minds who are willing to work for corporations and enslave themselves to always having a boss aren't making the "wrong" decisions. The world needs employees. Some people are not cut out for the daily (hell, hourly) stresses that running your own business comes with: The taxes, the cycles, the swings, the money (and the lack of it), dealing with employees/partners, and so forth. Many people are content to work a 9-to-5 job that pays well and has benefits.

And that's fine. It's just not for me, and maybe not for you. Just because most people fail at running their own businesses doesn't mean you will - all sorts of idiots try to strike out on their own and fail. There's a population measurement problem in that statistic.
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