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Old 10-05-2007, 04:20 AM
john voight john voight is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 2,653
Default My 2,000th post. Thanx for the fun BBV

I have come a far way. I remmebr it just like yesterday: a foggy morning, the air crisp, morning dew on the grass.

I sat in front of the PC and though "what will my first post on 2+2 be?".

Well finally i am at 2000. The memories, the laughs, the crying, the anger, were all part of the journey. We have bonded, and I am greatful. I am no longer just a stranger, I am John Voight. I have become something. Thank you all. Thank you all.

And so I only await the next 2,000 and the 2,000 after that. It is forums like this that show me how greta life can truely be if you are determined.

I thank you all. I thank you all....
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