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Old 10-05-2007, 03:23 AM
Mark1808 Mark1808 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 590
Default Re: Any other college grads with no desire to settle for corp. America?

I knew many people who used the experience and contacts from a corporate job to successfuly go out on their own in a niche business they could never have done without the corporate job. The corporate job enables you to learn and gain experience while getting paid and forming some good bonds. I was in the corporate world for about 15 years before striking out on my own 16 years ago. I get much more enjoyment and fullfillment out of my own deal but I do not think I could have pulled it off without the corporate experience.

The previous poster gave geat advice, you really have to enjoy what you do. The cycles in business mean that sometimes you will really struggle and it is imperative that you enjoy what you are doing. If I was you I would take a job I found challenging working with people I enjoyed and keep my eyes and ears open for entreprenurial ideas.
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