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Old 10-05-2007, 02:35 AM
keepitreal keepitreal is offline
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Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

the fact that they let courtney do one of the 4 muscle roles rather than one of the 2 puzzle solving roles is beyond me. as she stepped up my first thought was JRB is so gone cuz they are throwing the challenge. how did that not get addressed during the hour or on here?

also, F the not having to win by 2 in the wrestling over water challenge. A) it would have gone on forever and somebody would broke something...sherea looked like her leg was about to break in her 3rd go round B) i would much rather have them flip a double headed coin saying if its heads girls go first just to make me believe for an instant that they arent trying to rig outcomes.

to even talk about voting off james this early is just wrong. even if it might sorta be smart because he will win about 2/3 of the individual immunity challenges he takes part in but there has to a respect/appreciation for his dominance in the well as his work around camp. todd should be shot execution style for even talking of voting him off this early. he is worth keeping around as long as possible and voting him out when he slips up in a challenge...although he deserves to win no doubt as of now.

im glad to see JRB and james bonding. hopefully they can survive to the merge based on their strength and a general superiority of their tribe and maybe get somewhat deep if the voting is strictly tribal post merge before the inevitable.

agreed that courtney needs to get the boot asap...i love skinny girls but she has crossed the threshold into nasty.
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