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Old 10-04-2007, 07:56 PM
PujolsOfPokr PujolsOfPokr is offline
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Default Re: Street by street vs TerrorOfSweden, EPT Barcelona (Hand w/ masters

So, it looks like the pot is 1850 after the preflop action.

Given that, I think I would lead out in the 1000-1200 range. The bet should get him to do one of several things which is favorable to you, depending on his range:

If he has air, you want to get him to spew chips off into this pot before you take it down. If you bet around 1K into a 1.85K pot, assuming he is still aggro post-flop, he will raise when he has air to 3-4K, trying to convince you he has a really good hand. Then, you can shove over his raise, as you hand kills his range, and be able to pick up a lot of chips without a made hand, against his BS hand, without having to see a showdown.

If villain has a hand that beats yours, even one with showdown value like 4-4, 5-5, or 6-6, you should be able to get him to fold it to a 3-bet all-in, and if not you might still be marginally favorite (against his entire range of hands that are ahead of yours like AQ, 8-8, 9-9, etc..) So if his hand is at the bottom of the range, he will likely fold, and even if he has Q-Q and makes the donktastic call for over 100 BB's with the K on the board, you are still in solid shape. Additionally, you will fare better against the PP's he could be holding if you get it in on the flop, rather than wait until the turn blanks, as some are advocating. He is more likely to fold a 10-10 type of hand if you are over-aggressive on the flop, rather than if you just c/c flop to get it in on the turn. By the turn, the Eurodonk might already consider himself committed.

The third thing the smallish 1K bet does for you is allow you to determine when he has a monster, assuming that you have the post-flop playing ability to do so (as people are saying OP does). If you think you are good enough to determine exactly where Eurodonk stands in the hand given enough information, making the 1K bet gets you there. If you check the flop, you can always assume that he's going to bet behind you, so you gain no information about his hand from his standard continuation-bet action. You would have to c/r his continuation bet to see how he truly reacts, and by then you might have already commited 4K on flop action.

Thus, I think you lead out 1K, and make the proper determination if you think he might be holding AK (or even AA or KK) based on his reaction to your bet. If he raises to 3-4 times your bet, you can determine what that means (based on your prior interactions with him/reading ability). If he simply doubles your bet back to you, you can make the proper read. Or if he simply smooth-calls your 60%-of-pot bet, you can make the proper determination. Basically it allows you to put the action on him in a way in which he can make different plays which give off the true strength of his hand. This is in contrast to just checking the flop, as we can almost always assume a pot-sized bet from him given OP's description, meaning that gaining info from his standard c-bet will be a lot harder.

So, to summarize: I'd advocate a smallish flop bet of around 1K (or a little bit more) in order to disguise your hand and put the action on him in a way in which you would be best positioned to determine his exact hand range. Hope that made sense.
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