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Old 10-04-2007, 06:42 PM
EnigmaCanada EnigmaCanada is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 68
Default Re: Dealing With Being Unattractive

your solutions mostly seem like crap, and are terrible ideas that aren't really addressing your issue...

1. not going out...avoiding the problem is not the same as fixing it...maybe your social skills need work and you are using your looks as a crutch not to improve your "game"

2. fine, playing sports and being active is good...chicks like a guy with a life

3. avoid pretty you aren't gonna hang out with certain friends cuz they are better looking than you? you is a about asking them for advice on how to get chicks? i bet its more than just their looks

4. fine, having a life is important, should not be entirely centered around banging randoms...

5. fine spend money where you deem it necessary, see #4...

you honestly just seem like you are using the looks thing as an excuse not to improve yourself in an area you find seem just like tons of low self esteem guys that want to learn the skill of picking up girls and are just scared/nervous whatever...

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey man. Thanks for addressing my post. Regarding some of your comments:

-You could be right about me using my looks as an excuse for failure or quitting. I have suffered from low self esteem my whole life. It sucks man. Something thats just been part of who I am. I know that a guy can use more than looks to win women over. I've just decided that I have to focus on those other areas (career, personality, money) and rely on looks less. Its like a football team with a weak passing game (looks) that decides to focus on other areas to win the game such as a strong running game, defense, special teams, physical and psychological preparation (money, career, personality, hobbies).

-As far as hanging out with pretty boys, the reason I say I'd hang out with guys like that less, is mainly when my buddy brags about chicks throwing themselves at him. He's married and would never cheat, but he just likes to go out and have women throw themselves at him. It is just a reminder of how far behind I am in the looks department. He doesn't realize that when he tells these stories, that I absolutely can't relate to a hot chick throwing sex at him minutes after meeting him. This guy gets girls by being pretty. He doesn't even really try to hit them up. He mostly just stands there. I know he's not that charming. We talk game, but his advice isn't anything special. He's never been that strategic/analytical.

By being around more average looking guys, I can relate to them better, and not feel like I've been dealt such a bad hand by life. By going out with guys who draw way more attention from you, you don't get much. Even the leftovers will see me as too big of a drop off to settle for me, once they've seen my pretty boy buddy.

-I'm doing what I can to improve my situation. The problem comes from not knowing what the right move to make is. I read books on self confidence, charm, PUA stuff. I've thought about taking the lessons, but not sure if they are scams, as I've been approached by a guy who teaches, and I clearly caught him in a lie as he tried to get me to come out. Its hard to commit alot of money when you don't know if you can trust those guys.

I'm reaching out to people for input and insight to get different POVs. Thats the best move I can make for now. Life can get tough man, and there's no clear instruction manual on how to handle things.

Thanks for reading man.
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