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Old 10-04-2007, 03:42 PM
ipokeder ipokeder is offline
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Default Re: big pot versus super lag live

the dynamic i think is probably a lot different online because there's a lot more regular bluffing and semibluffing that goes on online, whereas in live, 3-betting and playing mad aggro probably isn't as pervasive a part of the game so balancing turn shove frequencies and handranges isn't really much of a concern and people tend to think more in terms of maximizing a single hand EV

it might also be because when playing 20 hands an hour, it's a lot harder to think about long-term EV maximization since the long-term EV will take a few weeks to get that situation to pay itself off, whereas online you may get the same kind of situation multiple times in a session where it pays off with much closer proximity to the immediate-EV decision.

but i never play live so i really have no idea!
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