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Old 10-04-2007, 11:34 AM
CobraGoat CobraGoat is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
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Default Are you also studying the uNL and SSNL forums?

If you are not, you are stunting your growth as a MTTer and even more so as a winning poker player.

A year ago I ws primarily a sng and mtt player and I only read the STT and MTT forums. I had ok results cuz i played nitty pushbot poker. However I had no semblance of hand reading ability nor basic understanding of how to maximize the value of each hand I played and constantly found myself in situations in MTTs where I had no clue what to do. Also, I had miserable results whenever I would play live cash games (at the time I would never have considered playing online cash games, cuz they were all bad beats, lol). For whatever reason, I decided to learn to play uNL cash games and became and avid reader and poster on uNL and sometimes SSNL. I cannot tell you how much it has improved my game all around and blown my MTT results up. Obviously this took time reading, learning and assimilating concepts I had no clue of prior to. BUt it has been soooo worth it. DISCLAIMER: I am far from a good poker player. I am profitable at $30 and down MTTs and do ok at 100NL. I started at 10NL a year ago and now play 100NL. I have a LONG way to go but at least don't feel I am spinning my wheels getting there.

I just see so many posts in this forum where people are in "tough" spots and they just arent. People are so results oriented and often give and get advice that IMO is just not good poker.

Anyway, my point is, IMO a sound MTT game is based upon sound cash game fundamentals. Once you have the cash game fundamentals down I believe it is situational savvy that separates good MTTErs from great MTTers.

Hopefully, this didn't come off too smarmy.
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