Thread: New Pet Peeve
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Old 10-04-2007, 04:19 AM
siouxbrew siouxbrew is offline
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Default Re: New Pet Peeve


i don't see the what the big deal was? you hate mexicans or something? as a hispanic-american, i don't mind hearing spanish from caucasians, show they understand more about the world then most americans

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i agree im pretty sure that someone that speaks spanish better than english would find it more flattering than insulting. i know if i was in mexico or spain etc... i would find it much more warming and appealing if they at least tried to speak english to me no matter how broken it was. I know its different in other countries because english is a much more studied and learned language than spanish is in the US. I still think that i would enjoy someone trying to communicate with me in my native tongue even if it was half assed.
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