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Old 10-04-2007, 01:31 AM
OnTheRize OnTheRize is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 76
Default Re: Ever +EV to fold KK in a cash game?

The situation to lay down kings preflop is very situational. Occurs maybe 2% of the times you hold kings. Someone with Aces, as deep stacked as you ( 250+ BB ) has to flat push all in.

Even if you have a good read that he has aces, you call with the expectancy to hit a king and thus, a big pot.

But no good players, are going to push 250BB's in straight with aces, you make no money that way.

It's basically the same arguement as Minimum Raises. Minimum raises are so situational, that 95% of the time, there a really dumb idea. Either you got the absolute nuts ( which you dont raise someone betting into you ) or a vulnerable hand and min raising isnt a good option.

Were not talking about when your ahead. It's the same %'s when they have queens. But there's a much wider range of hand that you have beat, then beat you. Such as AK-QQ-JJ maybe even 10-10 depending on who and where your playing against.

Thus over time, its never a good idea ( short of a very unique situation ) to fold kings pf.

But regardless, no one's ever going to have Ace's against your kings 50% of the time.
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