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Old 10-03-2007, 11:38 AM
Go_Blue88 Go_Blue88 is offline
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Default Re: After College Job: Trading

I currently am trading for a company in the Chicago Board of Trade (I just graduated from Michigan last semester). I went through (am going through) a similar process to the one described.

It's essential that you begin with a solid foundation--your company will teach you their version of that. There are tons of different strategies--you'll develop your own through time and experience. It's sort of like poker--you get a solid foundation before you begin to experiment with stuff and broaden your hand ranges.

The job is really fun. I basically come in and play a game every day. It's also much harder than you seem to think. 90% of people fail.

edit-- feel free to ask specific questions. that might help me be more helpful to you.

edit 2-- oh you did ask some questions. well as to one of them, you need a lot of money if you want to trade on your own. there's lots of different costs in addition to the potential money you'll lose trading. besides, why would you want to go out on your own right away? your company will give you a really solid education.
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