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Old 10-03-2007, 10:58 AM
Kalledrengen Kalledrengen is offline
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Default Re: NLTRN: Bluff 3-betting and bluff check-raising (Part I)

Very interresting post, would love to hear other peoples opinon on this matter aswell.

I'm pretty sure I do not 3-bet enough myself for the reason you also mention. Nothing feels more annoying than getting floated or check raised on a flop you missed, when you have just put in like half of your stack. Then you are completely lost on the turn. You will hate yourself if you shove and he calls with tP, likewise you will hate if you check and he then pots it.. Hate that spot.

Would be very interresting to hear from someone who uses 3-bet as a main weapon in their heads up matches, to hear what kind of experience they have using it.
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