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Old 10-03-2007, 10:17 AM
Ulkis Ulkis is offline
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Posts: 309
Default Re: First hand at a table: did I miss value bets?

F**k microlimits LOLdonkaments,

But seriously, the clue here is why cut the action in one street and start the action again the next street. I used to do that a lot when I started and got berated on this board. For a newish player I reckon there is the hand you see which is quite good (OMG, 2 aces, OMG, trip aces) and a fear of putting in more bets in one street so you just call, but come new street and you bet again, after all it is only a bet, it's not like you're raising or capping. A psychological fear seeing more bets in one streets vs seeing the same amount of bets spread over several streets looks a lot less risky. So starters tend to donk, and I had to force myself not to do that to get rid of the habit. So now I only donk on purpose: "AAH! the villain is 2+2er old veteran, I reckon if I donk this river he will fold..."
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