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Old 10-03-2007, 05:19 AM
matt85 matt85 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 599
Default Re: Driving the Ball 280 to 300.....Really???

ha...guy starts a thread about people lying about their drives. This attracts a bunch of people lying about their drives.

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You're not joking, I think the following is my favorite so far...

Anything I hit reasonably solid goes c~.300.

If you were to ask me why I can hit it pretty far I'd have to answer that im pretty big, flexible, have decent fundamentals... and pretty much just try to kill it every time.

FWIW 2 good friends of mine... 1 ex Walker Cup, one now Challenge Tour/ EPGA who both hit it further than their respective tour averages probably hit it c.10-15 past me (but they generally know where its going).

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1, if he makes contact he hits it 300+
2, his regular playing partners outdrive him 10-15 yards
3, these two prove statistics wrong as they actually hit it farther than their measured averages

I've never met a player that averages 280+ that brags about how far they hit it.


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Jesus, you should be a tabloid journalist if you can twist stuff like that.

Couple of points..

1. 'Solid contact' definately does not mean 'contact'

2. They arent regular playing partners.. they are tour pros of varying description. And only mentioned because in all honesty they are the only people I know personally that can consistently knock it past me.

3. The title asked '300 yards.. really''. I said yes, I thought so, and tried to explain the factors that I think enable me to do it reasonably consistently

4. Believe me its not a brag, I'd rather hit it -40 yards and hit a damm sight more fairways.

That said, if there was anyway to propbet this I would be be extremely interested.
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