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Old 10-02-2007, 11:43 PM
bogey1 bogey1 is offline
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Default Re: Halo 3 Ending possible SPOILER ALERT


More a rehash of Halo 1, IMO, but a lot from both. There was one line I particularly liked though. I don't remember it exactly, but:

Cortana: So what was your plan for getting us out of here?
Badass Master Chier: I thought I'd shoot my way out. You know... change it up a little.

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Haha yea I giggled at that one too, and got a kick out of the "Tank beats ghost...Tank beats everything!" Marine chatter for some reason too, probably the giddiness that comes with playing videogames for hours on end.

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Yea, the "Tank beats <thing>!" was hilarious. I love how the grunts like have you on their side.

Gears of War had some great chatter as well.
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