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Old 10-02-2007, 08:49 PM
Rookcifer Rookcifer is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 129
Default Cannot Build My Roll -- Up and Down -- Need Help (Long)

I decided to give another attempt at improving my game as long as I still have a roll. My roll is small ($50), but I figure since I didn't have to deposit but $2 in order to build it, then I will refrain from cashing it out. I will just play until I either build it up or lose it all.

I had $140 at one point. Now, as I said above, I am down to $50. The last few days I will build it from 50 to 80 and then lose back to 70, build it back up to 80, and lose back to 50. Rinse and repeat. I just cannot maintain it.

All that said, I guess I will start by asking a few general questions about scenarios that confuse me when I am at the table.

1) If I am in the BB where no one raises and the flop gives me top pair with a weak kicker, do I come out betting? Do I check and see what happens? What if someone bets and there are other callers or raisers? Is this an auto-fold? What if I am not in the blind but still find myself with TP weak kicker? If the guy bets into me should I just fold? I know everything is situational, but again, keep in mind I play the lowest stakes and just assume, for the sake of simplicity, that the players are average semi-loose players. They don't raise with total garbage but will enter with marginal hands.

2) How does one play two pair? Two pair almost never wins me any pots and I just have NO CLUE how to proceed when I hit such a hand, especially in a multi-way pot. This is even more true when I have bottom two pair. In a multi-way pot I just never know if 2 pair is good and I lose a ton of money this way. However, there are many times I fold this hand when I find out I had the best hand after the hand is over.

3) When I look at my PT stats, I find out that I am way in the red with one pair. I just don't have a good enough perception yet to know when to fold these hands. One pair is almost as tricky for me as two pair. Every other possible hand (besides two pair) I am in the green with (which is no surprise as flushes and straights and full houses rarely lose anyway). Since most of the hands one plays will not be trips or better, I need to learn how to maximize my earnings with one pair and two pair. Keep in mind that I often fold bottom or middle pair to any aggression whatsoever, so I am losing most of the money with top pair.

Now for a non-strategy question: I have been playing Hold 'em for 2 months total. Should I be beyond the point I am now in skill, win rate etc.?

Finally, I will post hyper-links to my session graphs and my total stats so you can see how I have declined. Is this a result of "variance" or is it just a result of being inconsistent?

This is the session graph from my first few thousand hands when I was killing $2 NL.

This is the new graph from my up and down sessions. I am slightly, very slightly, in the green in my new database, but I just cannot build a roll. I win then give it all back.

These are my stats from my first winning database:

Stats from the new losing database:

Lastly, if this is not the right forum for such a post, I apologize. I just don't feel comfortable posting such rudimentary questions in the micro or full ring forum where I will only be talked down to.
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