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Old 10-02-2007, 07:57 PM
UATrewqaz UATrewqaz is offline
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Default Re: lol saban

What Saban is saying is pretty accurate, there are lots of players who can't get into big time schools cuz of grades (yes, there are some players THAT dumb they can't manage the minimum for athletes on the SAT/ACT)

These players typically end up at JUCO schools and at that point alot of big schools don't ahve scholarships for them andt hey end up at the South Florida's or Souther Miss's of the world, one of the major reasons these schools can field decent teams from time to time.

South Florida's star RB (Mike Ford) is a prime example and most likely the person to whom Saban is indirectly referring to. He was set to go to Alabama and bad academics kept him from qualifying.
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