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Old 10-02-2007, 06:55 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: Bankrolling 17 year old kid

Does your kid play poker now?

What is he into?

I told one person a while ago, that if he is going to start into poker, play one day of each form of poker (play money pref, but whatever), decide what he likes best, then study the living S out of that game. There is no reason for him to focus on so many games from the get-go. Don't be fooled by "SNG": HU is very different than 9-handed.

Every one on this site has a preferred game. The reasons we each like our individual game is not because it is the first one, but because it is what we are comfortable doing. I have different reasons for playing HUSNGs than the other posters on the forum, and I think many people agree that 9-handed SNGs are an insane way to try and make an income.

It sounds to me like you are asking your kid to attempt different options for making a living. I didn't know that Walgreens paid this much, but I guess that is because you know the manager. I don't see why he can't have the job and also play poker. Seriously, his next job offer is going to be $7 an hour max if he has to find it himself.

Did you ever consider that he won't like to play poker?

Having a job is good too, because it is a good experience for the kid. He isn't going to be friends with his high-school crop for more than 3 years (LOL), and meeting new people would do him good. I really think you are enforcing the idea that it is better to work on his own than to get a "real" job. There are pros and cons to both. I don't see how working on his own at 18 is going to turn out better. Ultimately, I think you should be attempting to nurture both sides of this, and trust him to make the best decisions about weather to work 9-5 or not, about what form of poker to play, and the choice to use his paycheck to refill his playing account.
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